Low Volume Fume Cupboards

Save energy with a low volume fume cupboard

The Envair Technology range of industrial fume cupboards comply with the requirements and recommendations of BS EN 14175.

The low volume fume cupboard reduces the amount of heated or cooled air extracted from the laboratory and thus reduces the energy consumption of the laboratory.

The norm for fume cupboards for many years has been to run fume cupboards at 0.5m/sec face velocity. With the drive to reduce energy bills and carbon footprints, we have developed a low volume range of fume cupboards which are designed to run at 0.3m/sec face velocity achieving a 40% reduction in air volumes.

Independent testing of the low volume fume cupboards to BS EN 14175-3 has confirmed that the low volume fume cupboard easily exceeds the standards for inner plane containment, outer plane containment and robustness of containment.

A large number of these low volume fume cupboards have already been installed in industrial and University laboratories throughout the UK.

Please contact our applications specialists at sales@gpescientific.co.uk to discuss your requirements.

The TCS low volume fume cupboards are available 1200mm, 1500mm, 1800mm and 2000mm standard widths, however bespoke sizes of external and internal widths, depths and heights can be easily manufactured.

The TCS low volume range has double angled side mullions each 150mm in width to accommodate the mechanical and electrical services.

The fume cupboard design is adaptable for use as either a constant air volume or variable air volume design.

  • Aerodynamic zintec mild steel outer carcass with epoxy polyester powder coated finish
  • 316 grade stainless steel front cill
  • Infill panelling by extended continuous side panels and hinged panel for access for tenance
  • Internal chamber and baffles constructed from Trespa
  • Worktops manufactured from cast epoxy resin and dished
  • Toughened glass vertical sliding sash with failsafe mechanism
  • Auto-resetting sash lock
  • Twin fluorescent light fittings
  • Programmable controls panels to meet EN14175 incorporating sash high alarms, low airflow alarms and fan stop/start facility
  • Ventilated storage cupboards – suitable for acids, solvents or flammables
  • Internal chamber and baffles constructed from PVC, polypropylene, 316 grade stainless steel, toughened glass or cast epoxy resin.
  • Worktops manufactured from ceramic, Trespa, PVC, polypropylene and 316 grade stainless steel
  • Sashes can be combination style with horizontal sliding windows
  • Wet and dry services plumbed in rigid copper or flexible pipework
  • Polypropylene, cast epoxy and stainless steel drip cups, sinks and vulcathene bottle traps
  • Range of switch socket outlets, RCD protection, data outlets, etc.
  • Distribution boards
  • LED lighting
  • Scaffold bosses and framework
  • Pass through ports between inner and outer skins
  • Fire suppression systems
  • Tissue guards/paper restrictors to back baffles
  • Hinged front cills
  • VAV controls
  • Auto sash closing systems


Product Code Product Description Quantity Quote Basket
TCS-LOWVOL Low Volume Fume Cupboards


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