Distillation Heads, Short Path

Designed for use with small quantities where hold up between the flask and receiver must be kept to a minimum. The thermometer bulb and stem serve as column packing. Upper hose connections are for cooling lines while the lower connection is for vacuum. Available with Vigreux indentations to improve efficiency. NOTE: The 14/20 size accepts a 1” immersion 7/12 or 10/18 thermometer, while the 24/40 and 29/42 sizes accepts a 2” immersion, 10/30 thermometer.


Product Code Product Description Quantity Quote Basket
CG-1239-02 Distilling Head, Short Path, 10/18 Thermometer Joint, 14/20 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 110mm Width x 115mm Height
CG-1239-03 Distilling Head, Short Path, 10/30 Thermometer Joint, 24/40 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 195mm Width x 160mm Height
CG-1239-04 Distilling Head, Short Path, 14/20 Thermometer Joint, 24/40 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 195mm Width x 150mm Height
CG-1239-11 Distilling Head, Short Path, Vigreux Indents, 10/18 Thermometer Joint, 14/20 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 110mm Width x 110mm Height
CG-1239-12 Distilling Head, Short Path, Vigreux Indents, 10/30 Thermometer Joint, 24/40 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 195mm Width x 160mm Height
CG-1239-13 Distilling Head, Short Path, Vigreux Indents, 14/20 Thermometer Joint, 24/40 Lower Inner Joint, Approx. 195mm Width x 150mm Height


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