If you are interested in financing your NMReady, please add Bluestone finance options to your quote basket using the table below.
Types of asset finance
Finance lease
With a finance lease, the funder pays the supplier for the asset and in turn then become its legal owners. They then lease/hire the equipment back to the end user. The payments are charged plus VAT which can be reclaimed as normal.
Hire purchase
Similarly to a finance lease, when you enter a Hire Purchase agreement the asset is paid for by the funder, but they will want the VAT to be paid up front on the cost of the equipment (which can be claimed back as normal). The funder then charges a regular fee to the end user, and the last payment has an additional option to purchase fee which transfers legal title to the end user.
Operating lease
An operating lease is a hire rather than a credit agreement which means the organisation is paying simply to use the equipment for a certain time period. When setting up the lease the lender would estimate how much the equipment is likely to be worth at the end of the finance term (its residual value) and that amount would deducted from the lease value, reducing the payments.